Friday, November 27, 2020

10 Steps to Stop the Violence in the Bull City

 How We Will Stop the Violence in Durham

                                  Min. Paul Scott

So, far there are reports of over 800 shootings in Durham in 2020 with hundreds of victims. We cannot wait for the politicians or police to come save us because “WE” are the solution. Below are 10 basic solutions that are either in operation or can easily be implemented on the streets of Durham right now.

1) Since the violence is disproportionately  affecting the African American community we must replace the term “Stop the Violence” with “Black Empowerment.”

2) We are calling for the formation of study groups to examine the roots of “Black on Black Violence.” Suggested readings should include , Black on Black Violence: The Psychodynamics of Black Self-Annihilation in Service of White Domination by Dr. Amos Wilson and The Psychopathic Racial Personality by Dr. Bobby E. Wright.

3) We call for hotlines, chat rooms and text groups for parents to call if they are experiencing problems with their children. The purpose is to squash beefs that could lead to violence. 

4) We call for the formation of a council of elders to mediate disputes and maintain order in the community.

5) We call for the establishment of  “street institutes” where organizations adopt one block in the city and abe responsible for that section of town. The organizations must be highly visible in that area and visit it frequently. An example is the Black Messiah Movement Street Institute on the West End where we give out free black history books,  snacks, ski caps, gloves , and hold “street rallies” and listening sessions in the community.

6) We call for the  duplication of initiatives like Operation PULLUP (People United Loving Life Uplifting People) where community activists visit areas that are experiencing problems and offer assistance.

7) We call for operations like From Hood to HOOD ( Hope Out of Despair) where members of the community share information about resources available in Durham.

8) We call for the creation of  a “Bureau Against Misinformation” to make sure that the community is getting the most accurate information about the happenings in Durham, politically , economic and socially.

9) We call for an initiative to “deputize” squads of Black men to insure the safety of our women, children and elders. They will take it upon themselves to perform simple tasks such as making sure women and elders get to their cars safely at night, especially during the holiday season.

10) We propose the establishment of think tanks that will be responsible for promoting the philosophy  that the key to stopping the violence is a knowledge and appreciation of Black culture and history. An example is STICK (Society To Increase Cultural Knowledge).

For more information contact The Black Messiah Movement (919) 972-8305. 


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